The 5 Essentials of Men’s Grooming

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There’s a whole sea of information out there about men’s grooming, not to mention the additional advice (read: nagging) you get from your girlfriend. If it was up to you, you’d just roll out of bed, put on a pair of pants and a hat and head out the door. So what are the real rules of thumb for men’s grooming? Here’s our list of five personal grooming habits you should regularly employ.

  1. 1. Shower. Nobody likes the stinky kid. Wash your body and face every day, and shampoo your hair at least every three days. If this sounds like a lot of work, you may want to look into all-in-one products for men. There are several good options that serve as shampoo, body wash and even shaving cream if you’re feeling adventurous.
  2. 2. Take care of your teeth. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss daily and whiten. Yes, whiten. Those coffee stains make you look ridiculous when you’re cheesin’. Try whitening toothpaste and if that doesn’t do the trick, there are plenty of very effective over-the-counter teeth whitening products.
  3. 3. Shave (or at least, trim) your facial hair. A straggly or patchy beard will not make you look interesting like James Franco – it will make you look like a homeless person. Unless you can grow a full, beautiful beard (like this guy), you should be shaving at least every other day.
  4. 4. Maintain your ‘do. Even if you’re going for long hair, try to keep it neatly trimmed. If you go too long without a trim, you will start to get split ends and dryness that will affect the whole vibe you’re trying to achieve. You may not like the idea of using a hair product, but running a little pomade through your hair might be just what you need to take your look to the next level.
  5. 5. Clip your nails. We could (and probably will) give you an entire article on men’s nail grooming, but for now all we’re asking is that you clip them. The longer your nails get the dirtier and more unprofessional they become. 
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