Tips For Fabulous Prom Makeup
For girls in their senior year of high school, a very important evening is rapidly approaching. It actually seems as if their past four years have been building up to this one specific event… prom.
However, when the special evening finally comes, it suddenly dawns on many prom attendees that they are completely uncertain how to arrange their makeup for an event that will be apart of their memories for years to come. It is a difficult task to use the right makeup to look especially elegant, without going overboard and looking like an unusual version of your day to day self.
That being said, we at have the prom makeup tips to make sure you look your best without going too far.
The first step for classy prom makeup is to accent your best feature. Notice the singular word ‘feature’. If you decide to bring more than one of your features to the forefront, all of them will fall short and you will end up appearing lathered in cosmetics. For most girls, this means picking between accentuating your eyes or lips. If you choose to highlight your eyes with mascara and shadow, be sure to leave your bright red lipstick at home.
If you DO feel like your lips are your better attribute, play them up with some gloss. Adding a touch of eye-catching shine to your lips will give them a wet, sexy appearance that is sure to draw attention.
If your eyes are your more alluring feature, make them pop by carefully applying an appropriate amount of eyeliner. Eye shadow also helps give a smoky look. As always, a light touch is all that is necessary. When selecting color, the hue of your eye shadow should complement YOU not your dress. Having your makeup appeal to your dress more than yourself will often result in a mixed up, messy complexion.
When it comes to nail polish, go with what makes sense. If your most favorite, bright nail polish happens to match your dress, then by all means go with that color. However, do not simply begin arranging a collection of your favorite colors regardless of how they may clash. The key to glamorous nail polish is narrowing down whether a dark or light color is more appropriate.
Adding a dash of elegance to your cheeks is easy. Simply keep the look of your naturally flushed cheeks when applying just the right amount of blush. A soft pink often gives a subtle glow to your skin.
Lastly, don’t forget to pack your makeup and a mirror into your purse before you leave for the evening. A night like prom involves lots of dancing and chatting which can easily lead to fading makeup in need of a touchup. Most importantly, don’t forget to have a great time. Prom only comes once and arriving with a bright personality is far and away the best way to look your best.
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