How To Get Soft Feet
Your feet were in hiding all winter and no one saw how dry and cracked they were. But now that it’s summer, your feet want to be shown off. However, if you’re feeling a little embarrassed by your feet and don’t want people to notice them, you may be missing out on giving your feet some breathing time (not to mention the beautiful summer shoes!). Here are some tips on how to get soft feet so that you can let your tootsies out of those closed toe shoes.
- Soak your feet for 20 -30 minutes and then use a pumice stone and foot scrub to remove all of the dead skin. Don’t put a lot of pressure on your feet when rubbing it with the pumice stone because it is possible to overdo it and you will end up hurting your feet.
- Exfoliate your feet once a week to remove dead skin cell buildup. Once the exfoliator has been applied to your feet, rub it in a circular motion the same way you do your face.
- Apply a thick foot lotion to your feet and put some socks over them. For best results, you should wear the socks to bed so that the moisturizer really sinks into your feet.
- When applying lotion to your feet, put on a lot of lotion and take the time to really massage your feet. This not only feels great, but will work the lotion into your soles nicely.
Some additional tips on getting soft feet.
- Never, ever shave your feet with a callus remover! This will cause the skin to grow back thick.
- If you want fast results, instead of lotion, massage Vaseline into the soles of your feet and cove overnight with socks.
- Adding a touch of real lemon juice to the soles of your feet will help to keep moisture in.
Make sure to keep your toes looking great as well by cutting your toenails and filing them so that they’re straight (if you’re a woman, add some polish). After all, what’s the point of having beautiful feet if your toes don’t look good.
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