5 Hollywood Celebrities That Make Hair Look Ridiculous
We idolize, love, stalk, and even hate them—I am talking about celebrities.
Even though we usually love celebrities’ hairstyles during the Oscars, that is not always the case.
Here are 5 reasons why yourbeautyschool.com hates specific Hollywood hair:
We love Gwen here at YBS, but this is just a big NO-NO!
It detracts from her beauty and her hair looks like a blond cinnamon roll attached to her head. Also the bleach blond is ever so natural!
Pink you are a walking disaster.
I have already mentioned that bleach blonde is not in, and secondly you look like you stuck your finger in an electric socket!
Huge NO-NO!
Who would we be if Britney wasn’t a definite on this list.
This washed up singer (does she even sing anymore?) took it into her own hands to fall into the bowels of hell right before America’s eyes when she shaved her beautiful locks off. Here at YBS we like to call this an EPIC FAIL.
For the men out there, Nic Cage has made many of you proud. Not only does Nic continue to torture us with sub-par action adventure movies, but he keeps doing it with some unfortunate man hair.
Not only is he a crop of the Coppolla blandness, but he has made many a role that could have stayed off camera. Nic Cage’s hair actually might be more versatile than Nic is as an actor. It certainly has more depth
From blonde to brunette to blonde to brunette. Lindsay please make up your mind!
You used to be one of America’s up-and-coming sweetheart with Meangirls, but taking all those drugs, alcohol, and who know what has made your hair brittle and discolored. We haven’t seen you presentable in a very long time.
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