4 Great Homemade Exfoliant Recipes
One of the most important things you can do to achieve radiant, blemish-free skin is exfoliate, but exfoliating can be expensive. Sometimes getting a professional treatment or buying a fancy product at the store is out of the question, so scour your pantry for a few of these ingredients and make your own exfoliant at home!
- 2 teaspoons ground oatmeal
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- Water
Combine ground oatmeal and baking soda. Slowly add water until a paste forms. Apply to face gently using a circular motion. Rinse.
Oatmeal is a great option for your face because it has healing and nourishing properties. You will find expensive oatmeal scrubs on the shelves of most skin care aisles.
- ½ cup sugar
- Some form of oil: olive, peanut, corn, vegetable, etc
Add oil to sugar until it’s dampened and resembles a paste. Gently massage mixture over skin. Rinse.
A sugar scrub is powerful for removing dead skin, but apply it gently because sugar is a crystal and could lead to chafing or cuts.
Coffee Grounds
- 1 cup warm coffee grounds
- ½ cup of sugar
- 2 teaspoons oil
Mix together coffee grounds and sugar. Add oil until ingredients are damp. Rub over dry skin areas to remove dead skin. Rinse.
In addition to being a very effective exfoliant, the caffeine in the coffee grounds will also stimulate growth of new skin cells.
Sea Salt
- 1 cup salt
- ½ cup oil
- A couple drops of scent (optional)
Use the smallest grains of sea salt available. Combine all ingredients until a paste forms. Oil and salt may separate, but just mix them back together before applying. Add additional oil if necessary. Apply very gently before showering. Rinse.
Sea salt is rich in natural minerals that will do wonders for your skin.
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