3 Tips for Hydrated Winter Skin
Right now at many of our beautician schools, we are giving many of our students skin-care tips so they are experts in hydrating skin during these excruciating winter months.
1. Stay Well Hydrated
Sounds silly that we mention this but this is so under-appreciated. Water is your best friend! Drinking the proper amounts of water daily will help your skin stay beautiful and moisturized. Try to avoid drinking excessive coffee and soda which is actually a diuretic and does not help skin radiance.
2. Consume Vitamin A
Vitamin A is not only good for your skin but helps your immune system and vision. The best thing is that vitamin A can easily be found in everyday foods such as yogurt and fruits such as mangoes. You can enjoy them as a light snack knowing you’ll be helping your skin look better. There has also been studies that using a vitamin A can reduce wrinkles. We recommend a high retinol cream like this one.
3. Get A Humidifier
In winter the air is usually much drier, causing the skin to dry and break easily. A humidifier will keep a room from becoming too dry. Use it in rooms where you frequently spend most of your time such as your bedroom. Using this method, your skin will have less exposure to dry air and help with a glowing complexion.
Healthy skin is beautiful skin. In the winter, moisturizer is not always enough to keep skin moist. A good diet and the right steps will keep the skin looking young and firm instead of dry, cracked, and wrinkly.
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